
- Reach for the stars; you just might succeed

Achieving Restraint-Free on an Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit - Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services

The original goal was restraint reduction, but after only approximately 2 weeks, the Director of Patient Services for Behavioral Health began calling it "restraint elimination" and challenged everyone to think in that direction. The direction was "Reach for the stars; you just might succeed."

Foto: Wikimedia Commons/
Davide De Martin
Application of person-centered, recovery-oriented, and trauma-informed care principles by frontline staff makes a restraint-free environment possible. 

Although restraint elimination was the term used to describe the goal, nursing staff often expressed concern for safety... In early stages of the project, restraints were used occasionally, but as time passed, it became apparent that few, if any, situations required restraint use.

Ironically, these staff members are now very inexperienced in restraint use. Some staff members have never cared for a patient in restraints.

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