
Psychiatric Times om selvmord blant innlagte

Godt å se at man i Psychiatric Times ikke bare tenker "sykdom", men tar omgivelsene i betraktning for å forstå selvmord på avdelingen:

"It is important for the inpatient psychiatrist to understand the perspective of the newly admitted patient. Many patients will find the experience depersonalizing, threatening, and socially alienating and may perceive it as a personal failure."

"In busy inpatient units, suicides have occurred where there is a break down of the therapeutic alliance, which may be a result of malignant staff attitudes. Staff may lose objectivity and begin to view patients as manipulative, provocative, unreasonable, overdependent, or feigning."

Inpatient Suicide: Identifying Vulnerability in the Hospital Setting http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/suicide/content/article/10168/2075044

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